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Interactive Notebooks are a great tool for students to learn content. Click here to see all of our INB’s.
As shown in the Energy INB, each notebook has vocabulary flip folds. The vocabulary terms are pasted on top of the corresponding definitions.
Each INB has the same designed flap-folds for vocabulary which allows the students to become familiar with the format, and what is expected.
The vocabulary flaps allow students to quiz themselves.
INBs can be a great secondary resource. Students can easily carry the notebook home for study time.

Inserts like the one shown above, emphasize the importance of vocabulary with bold text and drawings.
The interactive notebooks are a great way to provide students written notes to children who require modifications without the rest of the class ever knowing.
Each INB also features reading passages focusing on the subject. The example above shows a reading passage taking a closer look at plate boundaries. The adjacent page allows the student to complete a Venn diagram based on the passage.
Another feature of the STEM Center INBs is the “sketch it” section of the notebook. The student is provided with a rendition of a concept and they are asked to draw their own sketch within their notebook.
The “sketch it” sections of the INBs allows the students to use creativity. This section also allows the teacher to explain concepts on the Smart Board/Chalk Board while the student copies the concept within the INB.
One of the most popular features of the INBs is the Study Buddy Cards. For every vocabulary term, there is a corresponding card. The students love these cards because the learning of the vocabulary is necessary for deeper understanding of the major concepts.
The cards are kept within a sleeve inside of the INB. These cards are operator friendly and make it easy for parents to quiz their children in the evening. An answer key card is provided.

Many times, hard to understand concepts, such as DNA replication can be more easily comprehended with the models provided within the INB.
Simple ideas concerning unexcitable topics like the peppered moth come alive with the use of the INB.
Students use real world skills when building their INB.
Within the Electricity INB, students have the opportunity to construct a model of a generator. Many of the Interactive Notebooks contain hands on construction activities.
The Interactive Notebook allows students to literally construct the concept being taught.
Hard to comprehend concepts that require models are covered within the STEM Center’s INBs.
All science concepts including chemistry and physics are included within the INB bundles.
We have found that allowing a student to construct their own resource gives them ownership unlike a text book. The students take pride in producing the best work possible.

Students create vocabulary flip-flap sections for later study of scientific terms.
The students take ownership of the INB because they create it.
At the end of the process the INB has all of the 5E’s within the project.